Civil Engineering Objective Book (7000+MCQ) Useful for all Civil Engg. Competitive Exams.

Civil Engineering Objective Book (7000+MCQ) Useful for all Civil Engg. Competitive Exams.
₹ 399.00

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This book is designed to serve as a guide for the aspirants for Civil Engineering who are preparing for MPSC EXAMS like Complete care is taken in t...
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This book is designed to serve as a guide for the aspirants for Civil Engineering who are preparing for MPSC EXAMS like Complete care is taken in the preparation and this book also allows you to practice freely on your own as the detailed solutions.

The unique feature in this book is that the questions are categorized as subject wise so that the aspirant can integrate these questions along in their regular preparation. In this book, Unnecessary repetition of questions is avoided and error-free questions are given.

Approximate 7000+ Question with ANSWER KEY only. If you completely read and understand this book you may succeed in the Civil engineering exam. This book will be a single tool for aspirants to perform well in the concerned examinations.

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  1. Book will be delivered within 7/8 working days.
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  4. The delivery of notes is subject to the availability of courier service in your area.

Naushad Lakhani

Its a good book


TOPICWISE MCQs, Having good quality questions. Thanks Infinity

Ranjeet Khutarakar

Excellent book. It covers all MCQ's

Jagyaseni Jena

Civil engineering

Ziya Mushir Mujawar


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